My leadership philosophy revolves around two core mottos.
Creating revenue out of thin air.
Whenever tasked with a new responsibility or put at the head of a new organization, my first step is to assess the situation. I get to know the players, learn how things run and what is making the team money. Then I look for the leftovers…the talents or projects that are in use but not being used to their full potential…and I monetize them.
It is amazing what you can unlock when you assess the full potential of a team, which brings me to my second motto…
Don’t make the best with what you have. Turn what you have into the best.
I believe in investing in people. Team members were hired for a reason, so there is potential within. Everyone has personal goals and everyone has hidden talents; and if you can align an employee’s goals with the corporate goals, then everyone wins. Treat your team with respect, listen and learn from each other, grow together and you will end up with a talented core team that can accomplish anything.